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How to fix git error cannot lock ref

Published: at 06:39 AM

Lately, when I try to pull from the remote, I encounter this error: error: cannot lock ref 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/some-feature': is at {commit_hash} but expected {other_commit_hash}

To fix this issue, simply execute: git remote prune origin

Why this error happened: This error typically occurs due to discrepancies between the local references (refs) and the remote references in a Git repository. Specifically, it happens when the local copy of a remote branch points to a different commit than the one the remote branch is actually at. This discrepancy can happen for several reasons:

  1. Deleted Remote Branches: If a branch was deleted from the remote repository but your local repository still has a reference to it, trying to interact with the now non-existent remote branch can lead to this error.

  2. Force Pushes: If someone performed a force push to the remote repository, it may rewrite the commit history. If your local history diverges from the new history on the remote, Git will not be able to reconcile the differences automatically, leading to this error.

  3. Corrupted Local References: In some cases, the local references (located in .git/refs/remotes/origin/) can become corrupted. This corruption can be due to various reasons, including improper shutdowns of your Git client or file system issues.

  4. Concurrent Updates: In a scenario where multiple users are interacting with the same remote repository, changes pushed by others (after your last fetch or pull) can cause your local references to become outdated, leading to potential conflicts.

The command git remote prune origin helps resolve this issue by removing any stale references that no longer exist on the remote repository. Essentially, it cleans up outdated references to branches that have been deleted on the remote, ensuring that your local repository’s references are in sync with the remote repository. This operation is safe and does not affect your local branches or your working tree.

For a more comprehensive cleanup, especially if you’re encountering persistent issues or if the git remote prune origin command doesn’t fully resolve the problem, you might also consider the following steps:

Remember, before performing operations that significantly alter the state of your local repository (like cloning afresh), it’s wise to ensure all your local changes are committed or stashed to avoid losing work.